[.osaka] is the official Internet Address for Osaka, Japan.
.osaka (read as dot Osaka) is a new Top-Level Domain (address on the Internet) often referred to as just “TLD”. TLDs identify specific addresses on the web in which users can access to send and receive information. Traditionally, the Internet has been limited TLDs like .com, net, or .jp.
.osaka is an Internet address specifically for the Osaka Community Unlike traditional web addresses like .com, .net, or .jp, [.osaka] is a specific, meaningful, and memorable domain that is easily understood.
.osaka is a brand new domain so there are plenty of great names available. Domains are allocated on a first come, first served basis in all registration phases so make sure you don’t miss your chance to secure a valuable domain name!
Short, simple, easy to recall, and just plain cool. Get your new digital .osaka Internet address in one of the phases below: